NK’s newest recruit is YouTube sensation M Gudgion. L Russell caught up with this talented Year 7 to talk about his love of history and his latest job at KTS’ favourite news channel
NewsKnight: Hi, so why have you joined News Knight?
M Gudgion: Because when I was a kid I loved the news, and now I think that I have the technical skills to contribute to the school. Also my friend Josh goes so I know I will have company!
NK: What do you hope to accomplish while you're at news knight?
MG: I want to be a part of an amazing project and help with anything I possibly can!
I am particularly interested in writing articles and making videos, and generally get involved.
"I want to be a part of an amazing project"
NK: It was also made known to Newsknight that you have a reasonably successful YouTube channel, can you tell us what it's like?
MG: It honestly feels pretty amazing! I put a lot of work into it, and it's something I'm truly passionate about! I love getting motivational comments from my fanbase saying things like “well researched” or “great video pal” and it gives me something great to work towards. I really enjoy working with people. My friend Joshua who helps edit some of my videos
NK: What things are you interested in?
MG: Well…As you can probably tell, History! I originally got into this when we were learning about World War II in primary school and since then I have been reading and watching videos about it to improve my knowledge! But I also love editing, playing chess and the occasional game of football!
Visit his site at HistoryMadeSimple - YouTube
If you are interested here is how Mathew makes his videos: Edited With: Adobe Premiere Pro (General Video Editing); Adobe Audition (Audio Equalizing and Editing); Adobe After Effects (Map Animations) Recorded With: OBS Studio. All videos M Gudgion