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NewsKnight Star in School Assemblies

J McLeod

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

NewsKnight stalwarts, J Farrow and L Russell, led assemblies with Mr McDermott. They both did themselves proud as they explained their roles and what makes NewsKnight such an interesting, enriching and successful club.

A video for the history of NewsKnight was shown in the assembly. It included the beginnings in 2011 and the progression from KTS Newscast to NewsKnight. The audiences were treated to the work of Ben Crocker and Bill Bowkett who work professionally in media; Ben is a film director who co-owns his own company while Bill is a reporter in Scotland for the Daily Mail. The video also featured reports from Kurdistan, KTS Drama Reviews, Sports Day and everyone’s favourite, Christmas Wishes.

“I was absolutely bowled over at how well Farrow and Russell performed in the assembly,” said Mr McDermott. “I was particularly impressed with how they spoke to their year group, Year 8.”

Farrow and Russell themselves were asked how they felt about representing NewsKnight in the assembly.

“It was really overwhelming. The Year 10s were the scariest, but Year 8 were the easiest because it was my own year group.” said Louis Russell
“Definitely, the scariest were the Year 10s, because of how much older they were, and the fact that they were just daunting. Like Louis, Year 8 was definitely the easiest, just because they’re my age, I know them and my friends were right there in the front row.” said Joshua Farrow

KTS NewsKnight is Recruiting

KTS NewsKnight is keen to recruit KS4 and KS5 students to supplement its award-winning team. These students will gain: excellent experience for university, college and apprenticeship applications; skills in videography, editing, writing, podcasts etc, all essential skills in an increasingly digital age; the creation of a media or film portfolio, plus help gaining work experience in these sectors; to provide a student voice for school and community.

Where? K15 When? Monday and Tuesdays 1.30pm. You can contact Mr McDermott directly

Driving Ambition

Read B Baker’s fantastic debut piece on women in motorsport. It’s an engrossing piece of work.


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